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  • Tags: Catholic Church - Jamaica

The Church army engaged in evangelism

"An army in the Church: Photographs of converted and consecrated lay men and women who are engaged in evangelism."

Holy Rosary Church

"Today, many Christians celebrate the fact that Christ rose from the dead three days after he was crucified nearly 2,000 years ago. Others of the same faith celebrate the two public holidays of the Easter weekend with beach outings and the local…

St. Pius X Church - church service

"St. Pius X Church rector Father Roy Campbell (left) Association. Part of the congregation which attended the speaking at the St. James Cathedral yesterday morning at service is seen at right. The 10th anniversary service of the Jamaica Teachers."

Lady of the Angels Roman Catholic on Molynes Road

"Good Friday Mass: Father Joseph Wider of Our Lady of the Angel Roman Catholic Church on Molynes Road seen surmonising sections of the story of the Crucifixion at the three-hour Mass held at the church on Good Friday. Fathers Paul Walsh and Gabriel…

St. Theresa Roman Catholic Church Annotto Bay

"The St. Theresa Roman Catholic Church in Annotto Bay, which is almost completed, will be dedicated in December. Recently members of the church celebrated the Feast of St.Theresa at the St.James Anglican Church and Bishop Edgerton Clarke, who…

Our Lady of the Angels

"Assembly Hall at Our Lady of the Angels where Franciscan Friars work."