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  • Tags: Businessmen

Partnership between Reynolds Metals Company and Reynolds Jamaica Mines

"On February 1 the instruments bringing into reality the partnership between Reynolds Metals Company and Reynolds Jamaica Mines on the one hand, and the Government of Jamaica on the other, were signed. The partnership gives the Jamaica Government 51…

Reynolds Jamaica Bauxite, Executive Committee

"The first Executive Committee meeting of the Reynolds - Jamaica bauxite partnership held yesterday at Lynford, St. Ann. From left are: Don Phillips, Secretary; Dick Krause; John O'Brien; Julian Fuller; Roy Anderson, Chairman; Sandra Shirley; Parris…

Lampshades for export - Island Lighting Ltd

"Lampshades for export: A contract for the delivery of approximately US$100,000 worth of handmade silk lampshades for delivery over the next 12 months was signed recently by Ewart P. Russell, chairman of Island Lighting Ltd. (centre). The contract…

W.E. Phillips who works at Bank of Nova Scotia

"Computer Society agreement: Bank of Nova Scotia Jamaica Limited's supervisor of systems W.E. Phillips, seated (left) signing the agreement on behalf of the Jamaica Computer Society, also seated (right) British Computer Society President E.L. Willey…

Errol Pinard

"Errol Pinard - Assistant General Manager of Engineering and Maintenance at BWIA."

John Burton

"John Burton of Carib Construction Ltd."

The Mayor of Spanish Town, Everrod Williams

"The Mayor of Spanish Town, Everrod Williams, [second from left] receiving a poster print, a gift from Howard Durnham [far left] Director of Baltimore-Washington [B.W.I.] Airport. Also attending the presentation was Joseph Hyman [far right], Manager…

Roger Webster of Pan-Jamaica Group of Companies

Mr. Roger Webster looking over a document.

Sang Jin Choi

"...Prime Minister Shearer [second right]. Far right is former Minister of Health Herbert Eldemire and to the far left is Dr. Y. H. Kim, owner of the Korean Restaurant. The occasion was the Korean National Foundation Day at the Pegasus Hotel."