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Truck wreckage
"Passersby look curiously at the truck's wreckage along the Stony Hill Road yesterday."
Truck with garbage
"Late night encounter: A JOS inspector checks damage to his company's vehicle late Friday night after it collided with a parked truck along Constant Spring Road, opposite Kings Plaza. The truck, loaded with garbage from the nearby plazas, had broken…
Truck tipping marl to repair road
"Road repairs: A truck unloads marl on a road-way in Portmore, as part of a $15,000 programme of road repairs now in progress."
Truck stuck in hole
"This vehicle came to grief when it stuck in a hole on the Spanish Town Road following Hurricane Carmen heavy rains."
Truck in Clamstead District gully
"Both driver and sideman escaped with out slight injuries when this truck got out of control and ended up in the gully at Clamstead District near Lime Hall in St. Ann last Tuesday. Owned by Athol B. Chin Trucking and Tractor Service in Montego Bay,…
Truck crash along Molynes and Dunbarton intersection
"Cliff-hanger: the truck here provided quite a spectacle for viewers along Molynes Road at the intersection of Dunbarton yesterday afternoon when it left the road, took this crazy course across the gully embanking and ended up in this hair-raising…
Truck accident on Hagley Park Road
"Death truck: this truck in the hands of gunmen, brought swift death to a woman [foreground] who was standing on the Hagley Park Road sidewalk yesterday. The empty crates in the picture were a silent witness to the looting which took place…
Truck accident
Police and spectators on the scene of an accident involving a truck.
Tropical Palm
"Tropical Palm with jockey Winston Ford aboard winning the Charlton Handicap for C-class over 5 1/2 furlongs. Nearest rails is Saracen Blade (George HoSang) who finished third. Second place went to Can You Hear Me who is out of picture."
Tropical Magic
"Tropical Magic with James Caymanas Park.