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Ballet dancers Galina & Valery Panov as they left for Israel
"Leningrad: Russian ballet dancers Valery and Galina Panov (at right) as they left Leningrad for Vienna yesterday, en route to Israel. Galina lost their first child in a miscarriage on Monday. The couple have been trying for two years to emigrate…
Belly dancer Suhail Zaki
"Belly dancer Miss Suhail Zaki reportedly entertained President and Mrs. Nixon during a State dinner given by Egyptian president Anwar Sadat Wednesday. Photo shows Miss Saki during a performance in March."
Tags: Belly dance; Belly dancers; Dance; Dancers
Basic School Children
"Students at the Croucher's Mountain Basic School are caught earnestly reading story books during their lunch period . Although the school building is incomplete , the students are not at all deterred and obviously enjoy their classes. This Labour…
Cornwall County Community Health Aide
"A community health-aide shares a joke with these children whom she visited in one village. The role of the community health-aide, which is to visit with persons in their homes, will be strengthened through the Cornwall County Health Programme. The…
National Heroes Essay Competition
"ESSAY AWARD: pauline haynes (second from left) of Glenmuir High School, May Pen, smilingly accepts the award for her prize-winning essay in the National Heroes Essay Competition for the County of Middlesex, from Mrs. Edna Manley, widow of the late…
Marvin Gaye
American singer, Marvin Gaye, walking on a road during his visit to Jamaica.
Lionel Town Hospital tour
"The Minister of Health, Hon. Dr. Ken McNeill (5th left) speaking to the pharmacy staff while on a tour of the Lionel Town Hospital on Wednesday (Oct. 13). Others from left are: Mr. C. King, Administrator of the hospital Board; Councillor Stella…
Mrs. Mitsy Seaga takes baby from Sister Ethlyn Lynch at VJH
"SHARING HER FONDNESS: Mrs. Mitsy Seaga, wife of the Prime Minister (right), takes this little baby from Sister Ethlyn Lynch when she toured the nursery of the Victoria Jubilee Hospital yesterday (February 17). Mrs. Seaga is wearing a surgical gown.…
University Hospital
"Health and Social Security Minister, Seymour Mullings (right) examining one of the boilers which is presently out of order in the boiler room of the University Hospital. The Minister visited the Hospital on Wednesday where he met the Hospital's…
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Below Hardwar Gap (north side)

Scenic route through the north side of Hardwar Gap in rural St. Andrew, Jamaica.