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Drugs Manufacturer - Arnold Otto Meyer Limited

"$100,000 Gift: Mrs. Beverly Hirst, Office Manager at Arnold Otto Meyer [Ja] Ltd., [right] handing over more than $100,000 worth of Mafu Insecticide Spray to Miss Ivy Ricketts of the Island Medical Stores on Bell Road. The gift will be used by…

Drum Sisal
Two men transporting sisal (a fiber that is used to produce rope) on a make - shift carrier. Sisal is also hanging from wooden stands nearby.

Drumblair, the Manley residence

Front view of Drumblair [formerly Sandy Park Pen], former residence of former Jamaican Prime Minister, Norman Washington Manley. The property is located on Old Church Road in St. Andrew.

Drummers performing at 2012 Emancipation Vigil

A group of drummers beating kette drums during African inspired performance at the Emancipation Vigil at Seville Heritage Park.

Drummers, Mackie Burnett and Joy Erskine

"Drummers, Mackie Burnett and Joy Erskine, participate in the action of "A Doll's House".

Dry Coconuts

Coconuts at the market in Annotto Bay, St. Mary.

Dry River Bridge, St. Mary

A section of the Dry River Bridge, St. Mary spanning the Dry River below.

Duchess of York shaking hands

A royal visit of the Duchess of York. She is seen here shaking hands with a lady.The Duchess is wearing a skirt suit and a hat with floral arrangement. She is holding an umbrella and a handbag in her left hand.