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Astronomy - eclipse of the moon

Eclipse of the moon at 1:10am, 2:00am, 11:45pm, 12:45am, 12:10 am, 12:55 am and 1:50 am.

Children during an activity

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A group of children clapping their hands during a musical activity with their teachers. Some of the adults are playing tambourines.

Children weighing corks

Young children using a balance scale to weigh metal corks. Other children are engaged in different activities at their desks.

Hugh Buchanan

"Mr. Conway Hugh Buchanan, Eastern Area Supervisor."

Darnel Buckles

Cricketer, Darnel Buckles (left) during a cricket match.

Garrett Budhai

"Material talks: Small garment manufacturers of the Small Business Association in discussion with Garrett Budhai [left] General Manager of Ariguanabo Company of Jamaica Ltd. The delegation met with Budhai recently, to discuss areas of cooperation…

Mrs. Nadine Budhram

"Mrs. Nadine Budhram (right) an officer of the Social Development Commission, demonstrating the art of macramé to visitors to the recent "How to do it" fair at Holy Cross Church Hall, Half Way Tree. The fair was part of the programme at the launching…

Charmaine Bulgin

Ms. Charmain Bulgin, showcasing her bath suit.

Lascelles Bulgin

Portrait of a Jamaican Rastafarian, Lascelles Bulgin.