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Seaford Whitehorne

"Seaford Whitehorne takes time out to stir chemicals under one of the 20 zinc sheds scattered on the 355 1/4 acre farm at Knollis Mountain, St. Catherine."

Seaford Whitehorne

Farmers observing young pineapple plants on a farm in St. Catherine.

Seaford Town

Aerial view of the historic Seaford Town settlement, also known as German Town, in Westmoreland. To the far left is the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church, established by the first German settlers in Jamaica.

Seabreeze Avenue, Kingston 2

"Divided house: Mr. Aston Harris' house was divided Wednesday morning when the McGregor Gully (at Sea Breeze Avenue) retaining wall gave way sending an avalanche of water into the foundations. A bedroom, living and dining room along with furniture…

Seabreeze Avenue, Kingston 2

"This house at Seabreeze Avenue Kingston 2 was damaged during the ravages of the Gilda rains last year. The owner has told the Daily News that assistance promised him for the reconstruction of his house has not been forthcoming. This picture was…

SDA World President Robert Pierson

"S.D.A. World President Robert Pierson (c), with B.L. Archibald and A.D. Laing."

Screened quarters of employees, Culebra
Screened quarters for the employees of the Panama Canal at Culebra.

Screened bungalow, Christobal, Colon
Screened bungalows at Christobal, Colon in Panama. Palm trees tower over the bungalows.

Scrap metal

Heaps of scrap metal on the side of a road in Spanish Town, St. Catherine.

Scrap iron
A large amount of metals that have been scrapped for recycling. The metals are in a yard by a large zinc structure that appears to be abandoned, as overgrown bushes are seen growing on the structure as well as in the yard.