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Downs River Bridge, Portland

A man stands along the roadway on the Downs River Bridge, Portland while he looks in river below. Lush vegetation surrounds the bridge and the river.

Dry River Bridge, St. Mary

A section of the Dry River Bridge, St. Mary spanning the Dry River below.

Flint River Bridge at Richmond, St. Mary

The Flint River Bridge at Richmond, St. Mary spanning the Flint River.

Harbour Head Bridge, St. Thomas

Persons standing on the Harbour Head Bridge spanning the Pear Tree River and which links the district of Pear Tree to Port Morant.

Hector's River Bridge, Manchester/Trelawny

The Hector's River Bridge, spanning the Hector's River on the border of the parishes of Manchester and Trelawny in Jamaica.

Hermitage Bridge, Clarendon

The Hermitage Bridge, spanning the Rio Minho River in Clarendon, Jamaica.

Hon. Richard Hall
Hon. Richard Hall standing beside balustrades.

Installing Coat of Arms at Kings House
Men installing the Jamaica Coat of Arms at Kings House, the official home of the Governor General.

Jacks River Bridge at Eden, St. Mary

The Jacks River Bridge, spanning the Jacks River in Eden, St. Mary, Jamaica. Large rocks are on river bed.

Johnson River Bridge, St. Thomas

The Johnson River Bridge, spanning Johnson River in Seaforth , St. Thomas.