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  • Collection: Miss Lou Collection

Portrait of Miss Lou

An autographed portrait of Louise Bennett.

Ranny and Friends
Ranny Williams (3rd left) and Friends, including Louise Bennett (2nd left), pose for a group photograph.

Ranny Williams in scene from Moonshine Anancy
Ranny Williams (left) and other cast members including Louise Bennett (3rd left) in a scene from Moonshine Anancy.

Roy Coverley walking on the road

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Brother-in-law of Louise Bennett Coverley, Roy Coverley, poses for a photograph in the city.

Scene from Moonshine Anancy
Members of cast of the LTM Pantomime 'Moonshine Anancy' performing a scene. Ranny Williams is at the forefront and Louise Bennett is dressed like a police. Stage props are on the stage.

Scene from Moonshine Anancy with Louise Bennett and Ranny Williams
Louise Bennett and Ranny Williams in a scene from Moonshine Anancy LTM Pantomime 1969.

Scene in "Breda Buck" LTM Pantomime 1965
Louise Bennett and Ranny Williams in a scene from Breda Buck, LTM Pantomime 1965.

The Astronauts, Ms Lou, Maas Ran and Louis Kelly Barrow set off
Clockwise from front: Ranny Williams, Louise Bennett and Lois Kelly Barrow dressed as astronauts as they appear in a scene from Moonshine Anancy - the LTM Pantomime 1969.