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A view of Tom Redcam Drive, Kingston, 1980
The top of Tom Redcam Drive in the parish of Kingston, Jamaica.
A village post office
A photographic print showing a scene at a village post office in Jamaica. The building has a thatched roof and a wooden frame. Natives are lined up outside the building where a donkey has been tied up.
A Visitor examining one of the guns at the now ruined Fort Charles (Port Royal)
A visitor examining a gun at the Fort Charles Ruins, Port Royal.
A visitor examining one of the guns at the now ruined Fort Charles Port Royal
A female visitor examining a gun at Fort Charles ruins in Port Royal.
A watery section of Shamrock Passage, Jackson Bay Cave
A watery tunnel flowing through the Jackson Bay Cave known as Shamrock Passage.
A wayside store
Men, women and children with food baskets assemble by a wayside store. The store is made of wood and has a shingles roof.
A West India sportsman: Make haste with the Sangaree, Quashie, and tell Quaco to drive the birds up to me - I'm ready
The English sportsman sits in a chair with his feet supported on a stool, gun in hand. He wears a hat with an enormous brim. A black male servant stands behind him (right) holding up an umbrella and a branch to beat off flies. A black boy approaches…
A West Indiaman in a storm
A West Indiaman in a storm, from an original picture in the possession of Mr. C.W. Carrington, painted by J. Vernet, engraved by W. Carlos. London, Thos. McLean, 1834.
11" x 14 1/2". Mezzotint.
11" x 14 1/2". Mezzotint.
A wholesale and retail store, known all over Jamaica as McNish Ltd.
The ruined wholesale and retail store, McNish Ltd., after the 1907 earthquake.
A woman carrying water or milk on her head
A woman walking along the road in a rural area while balancing a metal container on her head and carrying another one in her hand.
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Jasper Hall
Photograph of the Jasper Hall building, built in 1756 on High Holborn Street, Kingston. It was named for Colonel Jasper Hall, speaker of the House of…