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Willie Taylor

"Now look son, that tackle was unnecessary and somewhat ungentlemanly, tone down the rough stuff will you." This could be the admonishment being given by FIFA referee Willie Taylor to Trench Town's Glenroy Williams for a vicious foul on his opponent…

Willie B. Campbell

Portrait of William B. Campbell, insurance salesman for Mutual Life Jamaica.

Williamsfield Great House
Concrete steps leading to a section of the Williamsfield Great House which is surrounded by trees and shrubs.

Williamsfield Estate
This estate contained 2998 acres of land, including Sandy Gut, a small estate which was purchased and added to it in 1815; 300 acres in sugarcane, 500 fallow and in pasture, the remainder in excellent negro provision grounds, woodland and ruinate.

Williams, Everton

Portrait of Mr. Everton Williams.

Williams, Cecily Dr.

"Seated second from right is Dr. Cicely Williams and at extreme right is Miss Althea Ulett, Field Assistant and project Director of the Lambs River Nutrition Education Project. Dr. Williams visited the Project Office in Lambs River on December 19. A…

William Wilberforce

Portrait of William Wilberforce, philanthropist and politician from Great Britain.

William Whyte

Cricket player, William Whyte, in action.