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Wood, Michael

"Happy winners: Members of the Jamaica Telephone Company table tennis team is seen congratulating Michael Wood after his thrilling victory over Donavan Anderson which set the stage for their convincing win over the defending champions in the Business…

Wood Carts
African men transporting pieces of wood on carts drawn by donkeys

Women's Self-Help Centre Community College

Photograph of a building located at the corner of a street with the sign "Women's Self-Help Centre Community College". There is also another sign advertising that a daycare room would be opening on December 11, 1978 and that children would be…

Women's Cricket Talk

"Yolande Hall (left) of the Crusades Cricket Club and current Jamaica and West Indies representative and her West Indian captain, Louis Brown (right) engage in a pleasant (per cricket) conversation at the Norman Manley airport on Friday."

Women with pots, bowls and jars on display

Baskets, jars and bowls on display for sale.

Women with head loads

Three peasant women carry heavy loads on their heads along a dirt road in the country.

Women with baskets

Two young women carrying baskets.

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Women technician at work

"Women technicians at work in the Electric Transmission Institute of Tientsin."

Women Stonebreakers
Woman sits atop pile of stones; she breaks stones with hammer while conversing with another woman seated next to her.