The situation of His Majesty's ship the Mermaid on the 10th of Octr, 1795 at Requin on the Windward coast of Grenada, run aground in chase of the French Corvette Brutus (afterwards named the Warre, by the Legislature of Grenada) in endeavouring to prevent the landing of troops and ammunition to the aid of a most brutal & ferocious enemy. To the President, Council and Inhabitants composing the Colony of Grenada, this small token of gratitude is very respectfully dedicated by Their most faithful Servant, Henry Warre.



The situation of His Majesty's ship the Mermaid on the 10th of Octr, 1795 at Requin on the Windward coast of Grenada, run aground in chase of the French Corvette Brutus (afterwards named the Warre, by the Legislature of Grenada) in endeavouring to prevent the landing of troops and ammunition to the aid of a most brutal & ferocious enemy. To the President, Council and Inhabitants composing the Colony of Grenada, this small token of gratitude is very respectfully dedicated by Their most faithful Servant, Henry Warre.


Painted by N. Pocock, engraved by R. Pollard. London, Wm. Faden 1798

15 1/4" (16 1/2" with title) x 25 3/4".
Col. aquatint & line engraving. Coat of arms given in title.

Note in lower margin reads: "Vide Euro Mag for March 1796."
"Printed & Published as the Act directs by Wm. Faden Geographer to His Majesty Feby., 12, 1798.


Ships; Flags - France; Flags - Great Britain; Boats


Nicholas Pocock




NLJ Print Collection - P720




Permission to reproduce this image must be obtained from the National Library of Jamaica.






Nicholas Pocock, “The situation of His Majesty's ship the Mermaid on the 10th of Octr, 1795 at Requin on the Windward coast of Grenada, run aground in chase of the French Corvette Brutus (afterwards named the Warre, by the Legislature of Grenada) in endeavouring to prevent the landing of troops and ammunition to the aid of a most brutal & ferocious enemy. To the President, Council and Inhabitants composing the Colony of Grenada, this small token of gratitude is very respectfully dedicated by Their most faithful Servant, Henry Warre.,” National Library of Jamaica Digital Collection , accessed March 13, 2025,