Browse Items (13 total) Tags: Roads - Effect of floods on Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse References Previous Page of 2 Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added Floods, Jamaica Vehicles travelling a flooded roadway. Tags: Floods - Jamaica; Motor vehicles; Roads - Effect of floods on; Roads - Jamaica Bog Walk Gorge "Heavy rains on Saturday make the Bog Walk Gorge impassable as the Rio Cobre River over-runs its banks with water up to five feet in some area. Picture one shows a Public Works Department tractor assisting a Land Rover through the waters yesterday." Tags: Bog Walk (St. Catherine, Jamaica); Floods - Jamaica; Gorges - Jamaica; Roads - Effect of floods on; Roads - Jamaica; Rural roads - Jamaica; Tractors Belvedere, St. Thomas "A section of the road at Belvedere in St. Thomas which was undermined and washed away during heavy rain on Wednesday." Tags: Belvedere (St. Thomas, Jamaica); Floods - Jamaica; Roads - Effect of floods on; Roads - Jamaica Previous Page of 2 Featured Item Children Photograph of a baby and a boy of East Indian descent.