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- Tags: Princess Margaret Hospital (St. Thomas, Jamaica)
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Princess Margaret Hospital
Nurse attending to a patient at the Princess Margaret Hospital in Morant Bay, St. Thomas.
Princess Margaret Hospital SMO Dr. R.G. Lampart & team
"That's how they work: Princess Margaret Hospital Senior Medical Officer Dr. R.G. Lampart and his surgical team carrying out a daily routine."
Princess Margaret Hospital
Wards at the Princess Margaret Hospital in Morant Bay, St. Thomas.
Princess Margaret Hospital - Jaycees gift
"Morant Bay Jaycees gift - Princess Margaret Hospital Matron Valda Goodhall receiving two boxes of pillows amounting to 20 from Morant Bay Jaycees President Emerson James at the 25th anniversary celebration on Thursday."
Building playpen at Princess Margaret Hospital
"FOR THE CHILDREN: A Danish volunteer worker and Girl Guides officers discussing how to go about building a children's play pen at the Princess Margaret Hospital in Morant Bay. Members of the group are from left, Doreen Clemetson, Mrs. Guy Wright,…
Princess Margaret Hospital
Mrs. Evelyn Matalon (2nd right) and others at the Princess Margaret Hospital.
Princess Margaret Hospital gift
"$2,000 Gift For Hospital: Mrs. Evelyn Matalon (second left) wife of the Custos of St. Thomas and president of the Association of Friends of the Princess Margaret Hospital receives a cheque for $2,000 from Goodyear Jamaica's Public Relations Manager…
Princess Margaret Hospital poison victim
"Poison Victim: Wilma Thomas, 27, relates to Health Minister Dr. Ken Baugh, at Princess Margaret Hospital how her four-year-old daughter Gaye Ann Holness died after eating rice and peas and chicken for Sunday dinner last week in St. Thomas. Nine…
Princess Margaret Hospital
"Christmas Treat: Children patients at Princess Margaret Hospital in Morant Bay being served by Kiwanis Club of St. Thomas Key Ringers and Key Club members while Kiwanians, parents and guardians and the hospital staff look on."
Princess Margaret Hospital, St. Thomas
"Health and Social Security Minister, Seymour Mullings [left] shows some concern for a young patient during his visit to the Children's Ward of the Princess Margaret Hospital, St. Thomas last Thursday. At centre, Dr. John McHardy, Principal Medical…
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Hospital Good Hope

Ruins of the Good Hope slave hospital located on the Good Hope Plantation in Trelawny, Jamaica.