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US Ambassador Loren Lawrence being presented with a copy of Beautiful Jamaica
"Welcome to our city: US Ambassador Leon Lawrence, second right, being presented with a copy of the book "Beautiful Jamaica" by the Mayor of Kingston, Councillor Arthur Jones, when Mr. Lawrence recently called on the mayor at the KSAC. Others from…
Mayor Cecil Charlton sitting at head table
"At head table, L/R: Mr. E. A. Fletcher, Secretary/Manager of Jamaica 4-H Clubs; Canon W. O, Meally; Mayor Cecil Charlton; Mr. L. K. Swaby, Chairman; Dr. Douglas Manley, Minister of State in the Ministry of Youth & Community Development; Mrs. Daisy…
Mayor Charlton shakes Mr. Glasspole's hands
"Mandeville's Mayor Cecil Charlton bows and Shakes Mr. Glasspole's hands as he is made Commander of the Order of Distinction."
Cecil Charlton, Mayor of Mandeville (with mic)
"For Workers' Fun: Cecil Charlton, Mayor of Mandeville (with mic) cuts the ribbon to declare open the Recreational Centre for Public Health workers attached to the Manchester Parish Council, at a function in Mandeville on Thursday. Others from left:…
Kingston Mayor, Ralph Brown, with PNP supporters
"Ralph's finest hour: Kingston Mayor, Ralph Brown, is engulfed by cheering PNP supporters and gets his hands raised in acknowledgement Wednesday night after his victory over the JLP's Ivan Moore in the West Central Kingston constituency was…
Tags: Mayors - Jamaica; Politicians
Mining Minister Horace Clarke and committee
"Committee to formulate law: Mining Minister Horace Clarke (left) seen at yesterday's inauguration of the committee of 13 to recommend changes in the Town and Country Planning laws, as well as those related to the sale, and development and purchase…
Continuation of the Kingston Public Hospital bicentennial celebrations
"In continuation of their bicentennial celebrations the Kingston Public Hospital has launched a Tag Drive to raise funds to improve the health care facilities at the hospital. Kingston Mayor Ralph Brown is seen here making his contribution last week.…
Flood victims
"In the midst of grief: Kingston Mayor Arthur Jones finds time for a joke in the midst of serious business when he visited 33 1/2 Waltham Park Road where flood waters did extensive damage."
Sheila Scarlet
"Mayor Ralph Brown presented the Bishop Gibson Cup tp Sheila Scarlet on behalf of Holy Childhood High School on Wednesday afternoon at the Institute of Jamaica. The school won the cup and first prize for the essay "What is a Christian Home?" in the…
Tags: Mayors - Jamaica; Students; Trophies
Everrod Williams
"Councillor Everard Williams [left] Mayor of Spanish Town, gave the main address at a function held recently at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel to honour two union delegates who were elected most outstanding union delegates by fellow employees at the…