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- Tags: Kingston Public Hospital (Kingston, Jamaica)
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Staffers of the Kingston Public Hospital
"Family Affair: staffers of the KPH pose before the gates with the wife of the Prime Minister, Mrs. Beverley Manley (fourth from left) and wives of Cabinet Ministers who made a joint tour of the hospital in September."
Kingston Public Hospital
"Gift from JAMINTEL: Dr. B. Grant-Lewis, consultant Anaesthetist, of K.P.H. (second left foreground) and Bill Carter, public relations officer of JAMINTEL (right) unveiling a $1,500 hospital respirator which was presented to the Hospital, recently by…
Kingston Public Hospital
"Aid for the heart: Dr. Knox Hagley (right), with Kiwanis Club member Jerry Grant (second left) and KPH staffers examining the new ECG machine given to the hospital which it is hoped will help detect heart problems."
(KPH) Kingston Public Hospital
"Police and soldiers were very much in evidence yesterday as the ancillary workers at KPH awaited news from the meeting then taking place between Health Ministry officials, union representatives and members of the hospital board."
Open house gift
"Open House Gift: Kingston Public Hospital Senior Radiographer Mrs. D. Wright (right) receiving a $750 cheque from Desnoes and Geddes Limited manager M. Vinces for purchasing equipment for the Department. Others lookin on (l-r) are KPH Radiography…
Kingston Public Hospital (KPH)
"The number of vendors who sell outside and within the compound of the K.P.H. has continued to increase to such an extent that the nurses complain that they can hardly find place to walk. Some even sell on the hospital wards as well as push their…
Kingston Public Hospital Construction
"New building going up at K.P.H."
Kingston Public Hospital Construction
"The new four-storey block rises at the corner of Princess and North Streets. The building is set to be completed in 1976."
Kingston Public Hospital employee demonstration
"Short shorts in office at K.P.H.'s accounts department - demonstration over absence of air-conditioning unit in the department."
Kingston Public Hospital bicentennial celebration
"Governor General Florizel Glasspole puts a donation in the tin to launch the K.P.H. Bicentennial Tag Drive at King's House. Accepting the donation is Sister Yvonne Reid. Others from left are Radiographer M. Ayr and Matron Ellen Rob. The drive to…