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  • Tags: Designs and plans

Architect Vera Panton checks drawing

"Architect Vera Panton checks drawings for an office building in New Kingston, which is scheduled to break ground this week."

Elevation and plan of an improved Sugar Mill, by Edward Woollery Esqr of Jamaica

"a. the side roller gudgeon. b. the rollers or cylinders. c pivot to each roller called the capoose. d. the step on which the capoose turns. e. the lantern wheel. f. the trundle or wallower of which there are sixteen in the lantern wheel. g. cog. or…

Measured survey of an historic building

"Elevations: Different elevations of the historic building at 19 White Church Street Spanish Town, which was surveyed by second year Architectural Technology students of the College of Arts, Science and Technology."

Vera Panton, the first woman architect

"An architect - the first female to take it up as a career, also the first W.I. woman to graduate from the McGill University with a degree in building science. She was also featured in the Who's Who encyclopedia."