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  • Tags: Dancers - Jamaica

Tourism Product Development Company dance workshop

"...And this is the finale! Showing that perfect symmetry looks good even in 'work-a-day' dance clothes are (left to right), Misses Jennifer Lawrence, Sonia Coombs, and Pearl Richards, dancers who participated in a recent two-month dance workshop…

Joyce Campbell

"Joyce Campbell demonstrates a dance movement."

John Canoe - Pitchy & Devil

Pitchy Patchy and Devil, John Canoe characters, dancing during Jonkonnu (John Canoe) parade. Other John Canoe characters and spectators are looking on.

John Canoe

National Dance Theatre Company (NDTC) during John Canoe dance performance.

"Pocomania" by N.D.T.C.

National Dance Theatre Company (NDTC) during a Pocomania dance performance.

"Pocomania" dance by N.D.T.C.

National Dance Theatre Company (NDTC) during a Pocomania dance performance.


Rex Nettleford (right) and other members of the National Dance Theatre Company (NDTC) during a 'Pocomania' performance.

Pocomania "light de light oh" N.D.T.C.

d_0007334_pocomania_ light_de_light_oh_ndtc.jpg
National Dance Theatre Company (NDTC) during the 'Light de light oh' portion of the Pocomania dance performance.