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Go Go dancing, Slinky Sexy in action
"Slinky Secy or Pseudo Chic, it's all calculated to catch the male eye, excite his imagination and lure him to plunk his money down."
Tags: Dance; Dance - Jamaica; Dancers; Dancers - Jamaica
Dancers rehearsing for Public Health Nurses Fair (Prison Oval)
"Dancers rehearse for at Public Health Nurses Fair at Spanish Town Saturday."
St. Andrew Technical High School dance group
"St. Andrew Technical High School group in a dance performance - 'Let us Rejoice'."
Dancers at St. Andrew Technical High School graduation
"The dance 'We Will Rejoice' was an added feature at the annual graduation and prize-giving ceremony at St. Andrew Technical High School Wednesday afternoon."
Jay-Teens dance workshop junior group
"The junior group of the Jay-Teens dance workshop who will be performing at their 10th anniversary concert at the Little Theatre December, 4, 8-9."
Jamaica America Society's Ball at Lakemount, Stony Hill
"Doing it with style: This couple stands out from the other dancers at the Jamaica America Society's ball, at Lakemount, Stony Hill on New Year's Eve. Proceeds of this event will assist the society's charities for children."
Norma Spence School of Dance
"A scene from 'Waltzes' by Norma Spence School of Dance on Sunday evening."
Dancers performing
Dancers performing for the audience.
Tags: Dance; Dance - Jamaica; Dancers; Dancers - Jamaica
Go Go dancer Patsy on stage at Club Marvellous, Red Hills Road
"What a way to ring in the New Year for these patrons at Club Marvellous along the Red Hills Road on Friday night as they gazed away at the Chubby go-go dancer, Patsy getting down to the sounds of reggae music."