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  • Tags: Buses

Bus hopping on Half Way Tree Road

"Illegal ride: bus hopping in the Corporate Area is again on the increase as these boys indicated along Half Way Tree Road yesterday. What the youngsters don't seem to realize is that they are flirting with death. Shortly after this picture was taken…

Danger zone

"Danger zone: This is one danger zone on Mountain View Avenue where four big holes span the road presenting a hazard even to vehicles as big as this JOB bus."

Shattered bus window

Result of violence: Shattered rear window and a bullet hole in the roof panel remain in mute testimony in JOS bus M46 after gunmen opened fire at a bus stop near Saunders Lane along Mountain View Avenue, last Thursday morning.

Bus crash at Odeon Cinema

"Six persons were injured yesterday morning when this JOS bus crashed into the Odeon Cinema in Half Way Tree. The bus was going down Constant Spring Road when it got out of control after the brakes failed."

Four-vehicle crash

"Crunch: Two of the buses involved in the four-vehicle smash up yesterday on Half way Tree Road. "

Parked JOS buses

"JOS buses idled by strike."

Jolly and the cops

"Jolly and the cops: The JOS bus [Jolly Joseph - left] and the police Land Rover jeep were involved in an accident at Hagley Park and Carpenters Roads Sunday night which resulted in the jeep ending up on its side. At centre a policeman is committing…

Bus crash at corner of Chisholm and Maxfield Avenues

"This JOS bus crashed into a utility pole on Monday night before ending up on a wall at the corner of Chisholm and Maxfield Avenues. Reports are that the bus, driven by Clinton Donaldson, was going around the corner when it got out of control. The…

JOS Leyland National accident

Another one: Another JOS Leyland National was involved in an accident yesterday. Driver Newman Boyd reported that he was negotiating the corner at Orange Street and Orange Way when the bus skidded and crashed into the wall on Orange Way, at about…

JOS Depot at Tivoli

"Awaiting spare parts - some of the buses laid up in the Tivoli Depot because of lack of spare parts to do repairs."