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(KPH) Kingston Public Hospital

"Police and soldiers were very much in evidence yesterday as the ancillary workers at KPH awaited news from the meeting then taking place between Health Ministry officials, union representatives and members of the hospital board."

(KPH) Kingston Public Hospital

"Top: Vying for the doctor's attention. Patients at the Kingston Public Hospital's Casualty Department await their turn as SMO Dr. John McHardy [second from left] lends a helping hand."

(KPH) Kingston Public Hospital

"The new block at Kingston Public Hospital is now taking shape and the gleaming white structure is getting the finishing touches. It contrasts with the red-brick buildings to the southern part of the hospital."

(KPH) Kingston Public Hospital

"Photo left: Dr. Herbert Elliott standing [right] "clearing the air" after an argument with a woman who had taken her child to the hospital. At left on stretcher is a student from St. Annes Infant School, who was involved in a motorcar accident…

(KPH) Kingston Public Hospital

"Gate or no gate: They'll always be walking here. Or so it seemed yesterday afternoon, when the Daily News happened on the scene at the Kinston Public and Victoria Jubilee Hospitals. Some years ago, a decision was taken to close off sections of North…

10 Miles Main Road (St. Thomas)

"In this picture, a woman tests the depths of the "lake" which has developed in the road near Ten Miles."

10 year old Caribbean Pine in the Bull Head Mountains

"Ten-year old Caribbean pine in the Bull Head mountains. Apart from the 'foxtail' [foreground right], all the other trees appear well leaved and healthy."

16 Martin Street

View of a dwelling along Martin Street in Spanish Town, St. Catherine.

17th Century negro girl from Barbados
A seventeenth century African woman from Barbados attired in European styled dress.

17th or 18th Century House, Stokes Hall, St. Thomas
Ruins of the Stokes Hall Great House in the parish of St. Thomas. It was destroyed by the great earthquake of 1907.