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Students looking at bauxite display


Belair Preparatory School students viewing the display which shows the processing of bauxite.

Calabar All-Age School


"A section to the front of the Calabar All-Age School. Here stagnant water with traces of faeces forms a lake following the overflow of several…

Students playing with toys


Children from Mavisville Preparatory School playing with toys at school.

Boys playing football


"One of the most popular events: the football match which put Matthew House at 46 points. Luke House came second with 41 points."

Students of Holy Family School


"Students of Holy Family School perform in the band with sticks, cymbals and drums."

Collette Cunningham and Natalie Hall entertain guests


"Silver medalists in the Jamaica Festival of Arts, Collete Cunningham (right) and Natalie Hall, entertain guests at the 26th annual prize giving of…

Parents participate in three-legged races with their children.


"This was fun for everybody! Parent and child race had many entrants, but some little ones found it difficult to keep up with big Daddy."

Camille Thelwell a student of Vaz Prep


"Camille Thelwell, a student of Vaz Prep, presents a bouquet of flowers to Mrs. Glasspole. The occasion was the 26th annual prize giving of the…

St. Albans school teacher with students


"Exhibitions: A St. Albans school teacher (right) makes a point to a parent (beside her) while outside students inspect exhibits made by members of St…