Kingston's Mayor Ryan Peralto with officials of the Serra International Club



Kingston's Mayor Ryan Peralto with officials of the Serra International Club


"Kingston's Mayor, Ryan Peralto, (third left) with officials of the Serra International Club when they called on him recently in his parlor at the KSAC office.

Others from left are: Henry Colefield-president, Joseph McNamara - district Governor, Sancy McNamara, Allan-Chin - secretary and Frank Muirhead programme facilitator.

The Serra International Club was formulated in Washington in 1934, is intended to foster promote vacations and services such as priesthood, sisters and lay-ministers. The Association is currently established in 31 countries and has a membership of 14,000."


Peralto, Ryan, 1934-2009; Mayors - Jamaica; Public officers - Jamaica; Politicians - Jamaica; Associations, institutions, etc. - Jamaica


NLJ Photograph Collection IN: Daily News Collection - Peralto, Ryan


Acc. no.: 25229


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“Kingston's Mayor Ryan Peralto with officials of the Serra International Club,” National Library of Jamaica Digital Collection , accessed March 1, 2025,