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  • Tags: Trinidad and Tobago

Trinidad, vista general tomada desde la loma de la Vijia; General view of Trinidad; Vue generale de Trinidad, Copiado por L. Barañano del cuadro original de E. Laplante; lithographed by Eduardo Laplante

Havana, 1856-60?

15 1/2" x 26 1/2". col. lithograph.

Note on dating: Laplante was a painter travelling in Cuba between 1856-60. Ref: Trelles. Bibliografía Cubana Siglo XIX, Vol. 4, p. 37.

Boats at sunrise

Port-of-Spain, National Museum and Art Gallery, 196-

19 1/4" x 16". Col. reproduction (by offset) of an oil painting, 21 1/2" x 25 1/2".

The painting was executed in 1962.