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  • Tags: Girls

A Jamaica Foster- Mother

A little girl holding a toddler on her hip.

A Jamaica foster-mother

A little girl holding a toddler on her hip.

A young girl running

A little girl is captured with a package in her hand, running by a zinc fence with a wooden gate, at 21a Baker Street.

Tags: ; ;

Beckford, Barbara

Barbara Beckford, former hockey player from Wolmer's High School for Girls.

Christmas treats

"A budding young musician from Spanish Town shows her appreciation of the policemen's treat, and treats them to some fine selections."

Janet Boyd

"THROWING THE DISCUS: Janet Boyd of St. Elizabeth Technical is about to throw the discus 99'5" to win the Class one event."

Trinidad & Jamaica hockey girls doing the skank

Girls from the Jamaican and Trinidadian hockey teams dancing at a cast session.