Browse Items (18 total)

  • Tags: Food

Breakfast food

Breakfast display consisting of fruits, pancaked and sausages.

Married food items

"Joined in sale - a sampling of some of the 'married food items' Prices Commission investigators came across during their investigations. From left to right, mackerel is married to yam, syrup to flour, soap flour to milk, corned beef to corn meal,…

Food sampling

"Sampling food which was part of a display of low cost foods put on by the Consumer Affairs Office at the women's rally."

Food and entertainment

A singer performs by a buffet table on which there is a display of local Jamaican produce.

The cook

Elderly woman sitting on her step prepping food for cooking.

Christmas treat

"Boys and girls lined up to be served the delicious looking food. The taste was even better than the looks."