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- Tags: Firemen - Jamaica
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Just a trickle
"Just a trickle: A fireman holding his hose and hoping that the pressure would build up as fire raged in the house."
Liquid food store room
"A fireman goes through cooling down operations after a fire at the Liquid Foods store room on Hagley Park Road."
Fireman extinguishing flames in a burning building.
Fire engine
A K.S.A.C. Fire Department firetruck preparing to go on a run.
Jamaica Brigade to Cuba
"Cuba bound: Some of the 33 waving farewell before they boarded the Cuban flight. At right Cuban Ambassador Ramon Pez Ferro shakes hands with Parliamentary Secretary Francis Tulloch, leader of the team."
Ramon Pez-Ferro (Cuba)
"Cuba bound: Some of the 33 waving farewell before they boarded the Cuban flight. At right Cuban Ambassador Ramon Pez Ferro shakes hands with Parliamentary Secretary Francis Tulloch, leader of the team."