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  • Tags: Businessmen - Jamaica

Mr. Wesley Parker

Life insurance agent, Wesley Parker.

Mr. Theo Passier

Managing director of Bata Shoe Company Jamaica Limited, Mr. Theo Passier.

Mr. S.S Parris

Work Manager of Kirkvine Works, S.S. Parris.

Mr. Jim Parkes

Portrait of former insurance executive with Jamaica Mutual Life Assurance Society, R.M. "Jim" Parkes."

Fosh Barrow presenting cheque to Judy Parke

Revere Jamaica Limited's Public Relations Manager Fosh Barrow seen presenting his company's cheque for $600 will underwrite the cost the All Jamaica Hard Court Tennis Championship organised annually by Manchester Club. The Tennis Committee is…

George Phillip

Former Director of the Jamaica Institute of Management, George Phillip.

Hon. Edward Seaga and Dr. Aaron Matalon at launching of Cultural Heritage Fund

Seaga, Edward, - 1930-2019; Prime ministers - Jamaica; Politicians - Jamaica; Matalon, Aaron, 1920-2009; Businessmen - Jamaica

William C.A.B. Rodgers Air Jamaica's North American Executive

"Jamaica appoints N. American executive: Will C.A.B. Rodgers has been appointed vice president of the North America and the Panamas in charge if the Jamaica's entire administration in those regions.

In this newly created post which forms part of…

Industry & Tourism Minister P.J Patterson

"P.J. Patterson, Minister (2nd left) announcing Governments shared acquisition in Jamaica Cement Company yesterday others Don Brice, Permanent Secretary, George Ashenheim, acting chairman and Sydney Chen-See, Managing Director."