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  • Tags: Agriculture

Farmer examining his crop regularly for detection of pests

"The careful farmer examined his crop regularly for early detection of pests and diseases. Attacks by Aphids or incidences of Black Shank and other diseases require immediate attention."

Vigorous growth of young tobacco

"Vigourous growth of yong tobacco cultuivations of this nature can only be achieved if the correct procedure are followed in the seed bed stage."

Suckering is done to curb the plants natural tendency to reproduce itself

"Suckering is done to curb the plants' natural tendency to reproduce itself. Since the leaf of the plant must get all the nutrients, chemicals have to be applied to control all sucker growth."

Irrigation of the Tobacco

"Irrigation of the tobacco: an essential aspect of the cultivation of this crop, is done using pumps and piping provided by the Company. Pumps are installed at the riverside and a network of pipes is laid throughout the field. The tobacco need,…

The young tobacco plant

"The young tobacco plant, in its early stages, demands intensive care. After planting the soil must be loosened by hand and kept moist to ensure a good root system."

Planting out tobacco in the San Luis area of Cuba

"Planting out tobacco in the San Luis area of Cuba's Pinar del Rio Province. Farmers can count on help at planting and harvest when students from secondary schools and universities work for one month on the land during their vacations."