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  • Tags: Women - Jamaica

Mrs. Fay Saunders, Parliamentary Secretary

"Mrs. Fay Saunders, Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Education (left), as she addressed faculty and students of the Moneague Training College which she visited last week."

Fay Saunders

Senator Fay Saunders, Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Jamaica.

Parliament Secretary Fay Saunders

"Education Minister Howard Cooke, [left], greets Mexican Ambassador Jose Caballero, who recently paid his first official visit to the Minister. At centre Parliamentary Secretary Fay Saunders."

Secretary General Fay Saunders

"Secretary General's address: JTA's Secretary General Fay Saunders as she addressed the annual general meeting of the Association of Administrative Staff of Educational Institutions held at the Meadowbrook High School yesterday."

Lady Gladys Bustamante

"Left to right: Mrs. Edna Manley, Lady Bustamante and Information and Culture Minister of State Ed Bartlett listen with rapt attention about the contents of the 'Costume Shop' which was officially opened y the two ladies on Tuesday. The shop is a new…

Marlene Campbell

Sunshine Girl, Marlene Campbell.