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  • Collection: Daily News Collection

Open house gift

"Open House Gift: Kingston Public Hospital Senior Radiographer Mrs. D. Wright (right) receiving a $750 cheque from Desnoes and Geddes Limited manager M. Vinces for purchasing equipment for the Department. Others lookin on (l-r) are KPH Radiography…

Content in Manchester

"Moving out: A woman and her family move out of Content in Manchester after the area was ravaged by floods earlier this week."

Central Manchester

"After the flood: this is how the inside of many homes in Central Manchester looked after recent flood waters subsided, many people lost most of their furniture and clothing."

Extending the shoreline in Belmont, Westmoreland

"Extending the shoreline: this area of shoreline in Belmont, Westmoreland, has been dumped with marl by the Ministry of Works, in an effort to preserve the Belmont Beach and prevent damage to the roads along the coastline. The next stage in the…

Alternative Energy - Biogas plant on the farm at the Mona rehabilitation institute

"Alternative energy: A biogas plant situated on the farm at the Mona Rehabilitation Institute. The plant, recently completed and put into the operation, was constructed by the Scientific Research Council, funded by the European Economic Commission…

Information booth at Norman Manley International Airport

"Information book: The Airports Authority of Jamaica has set up an information booth at the Norman Manley International Airport. It is sited in the public area on the northern side of the departure concourse and provides information boards which give…

St. Benedict-the-Moor Church

"At the Church of St. Benedict-the-Moor, in Harbour View, Queen of the May, Ebhana Bennett, seen crowing the statue of the Virgin Mary during the special mass which followed the symbolic march through Harbour View last Sunday, May 9th. Over 2,000…

Alcan Dairy Farm

"This tranquil pasture is part of Alcan's Dairy Farm at Kirkvine. Both the dairy farm and Alcan's alumina operations were toured on Wednesday (April 7) by the Minister of Mining and Natural Resources, Hon. Horace Clarke, and the Minister of Pensions…

Forbes Burnham - Guyana's P.M.

"Burnham in China: Touring Guyana Prime Minister, Forbes Burnham, left, greets Premier Chou En-lai [Zhou Enlai] of the People's Republic of China at a Peking Hospital on March 13. From China, he went on to London and Roumania."