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  • Collection: St. Catherine, Jamaica

Collector of Taxes Office (Georgian Society)
Photograph showing the Georgian architectural design of the Collector of Taxes Office located in the Spanish Town square. There are several large trees in the square's garden.

Mill-wheel, Worthy Park St. Catherine
The mill wheel at the Worthy Park Estate St. Catherine partially covered by shrubs.

Flat Bridge on the Bog Walk Road, Jamaica

Black and white photograph of the Flat Bridge with rails, spanning the Rio Cobre River in the Bog Walk Gorge in St. Catherine.

Rodney Memorial, Spanish Town

Image showing the Rodney Memorial in the Rodney Memorial Square, Spanish Town.

Festival and fried fish, bammy, lobster and Red Stripe - Hellshire Beach, St. Catherine

Persons preparing fried fish, festival, bammy and lobster in one of the restaurants along Hellshire Beach in St. Catherine.