Valdez Collection


The Valdez Collection features photographs taken in the very early 20th century in Jamaica by J.B. Valdez. This is just a sample of the photographs in the collection. There has been a suggestion that photographs in the Valdez Collection are wrongly attributed to J.B. Valdez and are, in fact, the work of J. Valentine and Co., a Scottish firm that came to Jamaica to take photographs of Jamaica's Great Exhibition in 1891. We would welcome evidence-based opinions in this debate which would help us to clarify the situation.

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Brown girl, Jamaica
A barefooted mulatto girl sitting on steps beside flower pot and shrubs.

The House Cherry Garden Jamaica
A colonial house in Cherry Garden, Jamaica, with the Blue Mountains in the background. A man is sitting on circular wall in front of house. There is a palm tree in front of the house.

Porus, Jamaica
A scene in Porus, a rural town in Manchester, Jamaica. A man and two boys, one carrying a basket on his head, are walking beside a donkey laden with a hamper. Other persons are walking along an unpaved road with wooden framed buildings on both sides.…