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  • Collection: Manchester, Jamaica

Opening of Porus Extension, Jamaica Railway Corporation, Manchester, Jamaica

Passengers standing on the platform in front of the station building at the Porus Railway Station in Manchester, Jamaica

Porus Railway Station

Passengers and villagers await the train as it pulls into Porus Railway Station. Workmen are repairing a section of the railroad.

Amy Bailey

Black and white portrait of Amy Bailey

Amy Beckford Bailey

Portrait of Amy Bailey, Jamaican educator, social worker and women's rights advocate.

On the road to Mandeville, Manchester

A view of the county from the road to Mandeville in Manchester for which provenance is disputed. This image is among the photographs held in the Valdez Collection

Mizpah Moravian Church

The Mizpah Church, built in 1866, is a fine example of a Moravian Church building. The Moravian Church, a popular name for The Protestant Episcopal Church of the Unitas Fratrum, or United Brethren, originated in Bohemia in 1457, spreading over time…

Ortanique, Mandeville, Parish of Manchester, Jamaica

Photograph of an Ortanique orange in Mandeville, Manchester. Ortaniques were discovered in the Christiana Market, north of Mandeville, in the early 1900s by a man from Manchester called Swaby. The ortanique is a natural hybrid of sweet orange and…

One Eye River Bridge, Manchester, Cockpit Country

One Eye River Bridge connecting two roads in the Cockpit Country, Manchester.

Southside of Manchester between Red Church and Monk Street.
A view of a brick and wooden structure along the southern side of Manchester Street between Red Church and Monk Streets. Very tall trees can be seen in the background.

East Indian cattle farm of Hon. Evelyn Ellis, Montpelier, W.I.
A herd of cattle on a cattle farm belonging to the Honourable Evelyn Ellis, in Montpelier, Manchester, Jamaica. Estate buildings and fruit trees are in the background.