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Jan Bousse
"Jamaica Agricultural Society's [JAS] second vice-president Aston Sinclair [second left] presenting a booklet on the Society's Bold New Programmes to Belgian Ambassador, Jan Bousse, who on Wednesday last became the first foreign diplomat to be…
Derrick Webb
"Derrick Webb...he was lucky, only his car was washed away."
Tags: Men; Politicians; Public officers
Mining and Energy Minister Horace Clarke
"Workshop: Mining and Energy Minister Horace Clarke opening the two-day workshop on '"Energy Assessment Needs in the Caribbean" at the New Kingston Hotel, Thursday."
Arnold Smith, Kenneth Kaunda and Michael Manley
"Commonwealth Secretary General Arnold Smith with Zambia's Kenneth Kaunda and Jamaica's Michael Manley, arriving at the Pegasus Hotel yesterday for the opening of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting."
Karl Samuda and Ed Bartlett at National Chest Hospital
"Member of Parliament Karl Samuda (left) and Information and Culture Minister Ed Bartlett listening as the staff of the National Chest Hospital explain the poor conditions at the Institution. Above them is a badly leaking root. The party toured the…
South St. Elizabeth Medical Complex
"Health Complex - The South St. Elizabeth Medical Complex which is taking shape at Junction. The building, ground for which was broken a year ago, is now 55 per cent completed. On completion it will be equipped and operated by the Health Ministry. A…
Moonlight City - Hunts Bay, St. Andrew
"The mud hole where a gully used to be: This is a flooded section of Moonlight City in the Hunts Bay area of Lower St. Andrew where debris has blocked the gully forcing water into homes."
McGregor Gully on Windward Road
"A washed out section of the McGregor Gully on Windward Road where the Pentecostal Church was damaged in islandwide rain Wednesday night. Prime Minister Manley [right] looks at the damage."
Seabreeze Avenue, Kingston 2
"This house at Seabreeze Avenue Kingston 2 was damaged during the ravages of the Gilda rains last year. The owner has told the Daily News that assistance promised him for the reconstruction of his house has not been forthcoming. This picture was…
Portmore Causeway
"Crossing the flood: motorists making their way along the Portmore Causeway yesterday morning after one of the principal water mains broke sending thousands of gallons of water to waste. The photograph was taken at 10:00am and Urban Development…
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Poet Laureate, Mervyn Morris and Governor General at Investiture Ceremony
Professor Mervyn Morris, Poet Laureate of Jamaica (2014 - 2016) with Governor General Sir Patrick Allen during the Poet Laureate Investiture Ceremony…