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Shanty town, West Kingston, from Railway

29 Shanty town, West Kingston, from Railway (1978).jpg
Shanty town, West Kingston, seen from the railway between Kingston and Spanish Town.


The Spirit of Trinidad - Shango, Oct. 6, 1957.

11 1/2" x 14 1/2"

Extract from Trinidad Sunday Guardian, Oct. 6, 1957.

Shanghai's industry strides forward

"The transistor 9-inch screen television-radio set trial - produced by the Shanghai Kuokuang Harmonica Factory has started serial production. Formerly a small neighbourhood workshop which could only make mouth-organs now it is able to produce both…

Shamrock Passage, Jackson Bay

Draperies, stalactites and stalagmites in the Shamrock Passage of the Jackson Bay Cave.

Shambles on Race Course, after great earthquake, January 14th, 1907

Structures for housing refugees, erected at the Kingston Race Course (now National Heroes Park) after the earthquake of 1907.

Shaking hands with Pope John Paul II

"Handshake from the pope - Jamaica's Permanent Representative to the U.N., Ambassador Don Mills (far right) being greeted by Pope John Paul II at a reception hosted by the U.N. Secretary General, Kurt Waldhei, (2nd left), at the U.N. Headquarters,…

Seymour Place
Pedestrians walking along the streets at Seymour Place. A statue stands at the entrance to what seems like a park. Also seen are flags, street signs and electric lines.

Sewing in progress

Employees sewing at their stations at a factory in Above Rocks, St. Catherine.

Seville Heritage Park - African Jamaican House

Replica of an African-Jamaican house at Seville Heritage Park.

Seville Great House

Front view of the refurbished Seville Great House. The front yard is well manicured and there are brick stairs leading up to the entrance of the house. There are two cannons on either side of the first set of stairs.