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Tibet Institute
"Peking Tibet Institute for nationalists who set up in 1957 for training cadres for Tibet."
A tug of war practised by children of Sinkiang's Khalkhas herdsmen
"A tug of war practised by children of Sinkiang's Khalkhas herdsmen during off-school hours. These children travel around with their parents and attend mobile primary schools."
Children of Mongolian herdsmen attending a class
"Children of Mongolian herdsmen attending a class of a mobile Primary School."
Tags: Children - China; Students - China
Children doing eye massage
"Children of the Chinatown Primary School in Peking doing eye massage."
Teacher giving a lesson for tractor drivers
"Yenshan agricultural middle school in Shaowu county, Fukien province, hold short-term courses to train agro-technicians for local communes. Photo shows a teacher giving a lesson for tractor drivers."
Senior students help a commune survey a reservoir
"Senior students of Yenshan Agricultural Middle School in Shaowu county, Fukien province, help a commune survey a reservoir construction site under the guidance of their teacher."
Tags: Reservoirs
Linking theory and practice in China's school
"Linking theory and practice in China's school: these Chinese girls at middle school in the town of Yenshi, Kirin, are learning industrial skills by practicing them."
Chinese workers of a Hsuchang factor (province of Henan)
"Chinese workers of a Hsuchang factor (province of Henan) taking an active part in the anti-Confucius anti-Sin Piao campaign."
Passersby viewing placards
"Criticism: a few 'dazibao' (posters) placard in front of the Revolutionary Committee building in Peking."
Tags: Posters; Public buildings - China
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Orange Park, St. Thomas
The main house of the Orange Park coffee plantation in Yallahs, St. Thomas which eventually became home to the late Professor Basil Barrington Watson.