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  • Tags: Photographs

Picture exhibition in the State Central Concert Hall in Moscow

"At the pictures exhbition by leading Tass photographers in the State central Concert Hall in Moscow."

Jamaican Woman section of the Festival exhibition of photography

"A group showing keen interest in the "Jamaican Woman" section of the Festival exhibition of Photography mounted in the Marcus Garvey room, New Kingston Hotel. The show, which opened on Monday, will run to August 8."

Works produced by employees of the Grace Kennedy Group

"Grace Talent Parade: These works were produced by employees of the Grace Kennedy Group and exhibited at the company's recent Talent Parade.The reproduction of the Mona Lisa was painted by an employee of Cash n' Carry; the sketch and photograph by…

API Photographic Exhibition Floods in West Jamaica

"Flood damage exhibition - The Manchester Parish Library's Cecil Charlton Hall is the venue of the current API photographic exhibition "Floods in West Jamaica" which was officially opened on August 1 by Noel Chaplin general manager of Alpart. The…