Browse Items (9955 total)

Negro's Toilette, ca. 1898
A girl sits in front of a woman who is combing her hair, while an older girl stands beside them holding a broom.

Lord Him Sweet Sah!
A man and two women standing in the cane field and eating sugarcane.

Banana Carriers

Men and women carrying bunches of green bananas on their heads, accompanied by a donkey, take a break under a breadfruit tree.

Horse-drawn buggy delivering mail to Constant Spring Post Office

A postman uses a horse-drawn cart to deliver mail to the Constant Spring Post Office, St. Andrew, while another postman with mailbag on his bicycle rides off to deliver mail.

The Hon. Rex Nettleford delivering address at Civic function
The Hon. Rex Nettleford at microphone addressing the audience at a civic function.

Erna Brodber, a portrait
A head shot of Erna Brodber, Jamaican author and sociologist.

Claude McKay
Portrait of Claude McKay, Jamaican Poet and author.

Trevor Rhone, Playwright
Trevor Rhone, Jamaican playwright in a pensive mood.

Herbert George DeLisser
Portrait of Herbert George DeLisser, Jamaican journalist and author.

Mervyn Morris, Poet
Head shot of Mervyn Morris, poet and professor emeritus at UWI, Mona.