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New Housing at Mona, St. Andrew
Boys watch a ball high in the air as they enjoy a ball game on the street of a new housing development in Mona, St. Andrew.

Bruckins Party
An elderly woman performing Bruckins, a Jamaican traditional dance, in front of an audience.

Norman Manley International Airport - 1982

A section of the Norman Manley International Airport, Kingston Jamaica, showing the airport control tower.

Colonial Bank, Port Royal Street entrance after 1907 Earthquake
A view of the Colonial Bank on Port Royal Street, Kingston, Jamaica after the 1907 earthquake.

Coke Wesleyan Chapel - Taylor and Mathieson
A view of the Coke Wesleyan Chapel, Kingston, Jamaica in the aftermath of the 1907 earthquake.

White Marl
Archaelogical remains of the Arawaks, also called Tainos, at the Arawak museum at White Marl, St. Catherine.

Task workers breaking stone by the roadside
Labourers breaking stones by the roadside in a rural village.

A view of the Ordnance Yard (taken from Port Royal Street)

Photographic print of the Ordnance yard showing buildings, cannons stacked on the ground and people standing or walking in the yard. Man and dog walking towards tall palm tree.

A view of the courthouse (taken on the day of an election)
A scene outside a courthouse on the day of an election - a large crowd is gathered in front of a building and persons are standing on the porch.

Bishop Percival Gibson seated with his Pastoral Staff
Bishop Percival Gibson, Anglican Bishop of Jamaica (1956 - 1967), wearing pastoral robe and holding pastoral staff and Bible.