Ranny Williams - right, Louise Bennett, 2nd right and others at microphone reading scripts for the recording of the 'Lou and Ranny Show' at the JBC Studio. A live musical band is in the background.
Randolph 'Ranny' Williams receiving the Badge of Honour from Sir Clifford Campbell, Governor General of Jamaica. Spectators are in the background. The GG is flanked by two Aides.
A large crowd gathers atop the roof of a section of the Palisadoes Airport, while others gather on the ground level in Kingston, Jamaica, to await the arrival of H.I.M. Haile Selassie, in April 1966. Police are among the crowd to keep order.
A delapidated coffee mill made of stones, wood and metal in an abandoned building. Plants are seen through an open door that is falling off its hinges.