Browse Items (10007 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse References Previous Page of 1001 Next Page Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added Portrait of Hon. P.F. Lightbody Portrait of Mr. P.F. Lightbody, past member of the Legislative Council of Jamaica. He is wearing a suit and a Panama hat. "Peas Please" Image showing several quarts of red kidney beans, also known as red peas. Some white beans can also be seen. Miss Lou performing A candid photograph of Miss Lou during a dramatic performance. She has a bow in her hair and is wearing a plaid dress with lace bloomers, a pair of socks rolled up to her knees and a pair of sneakers. Louise Bennett-Coverley Portrait of Louise Simone Bennett-Coverley, Jamaican poet, folklorist, writer and educator. Miss Lou and others on a float parade Photograph of Louise Bennett, Ranny Williams and others in costume, on a float parade. Louise Bennett participating in the Tropigas draw Miss Lou during the Tropigas "Lucky 10 Competition" at Tropigas located at 41a Half Way Tree Road. A gasoline stove is the grand prize. Louise Bennett, September 1932 A young, thirteen year old Louise Bennett posing for a photograph. Miss Lou getting ready for her show A laughing Louise Bennett being assisted into her dress before a performance. Miss Lou and a man dancing Miss Lou dressed in traditional Jamaican folk costume and dancing with a man on stage. Miss Lou in classroom setting Miss Lou photographed while addressing a group of persons in a classroom. Previous Page of 1001 Next Page Featured Item Charles Hyatt posing Candid shot of actor, Charles Hyatt.