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The Royal couple having dinner at Kings House where they were presented with gifts
Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth II examine their gifts while officials, including Donald Sangster (right of Queen) look on.

Queen Elizabeth opening Norman Manley Law School in April 1975
Queen Elizabeth II, flag of Jamaica in hand at opening of Norman Manley Law School.

Queen Elizabeth gives address at Norman Manley Law School Apr. 1975
Queen Elizabeth II addressing an audience at the Norman Manley Law School at the University of the West Indies, Mona in April 1975.

Trelawny Town, the chief residence of the Maroons
An artist's impression of Trelawny Town, the chief Maroon settlement, showing roads and dwellings with mountains in the background.

Spanish Town Cathedral
The exterior of the Spanish Town Cathedral in St. Catherine, Jamaica.

Interior of a boiling house
The interior of a boiling house showing enslaved African men using very long ladles to tend to the sugar being boiled while being supervised by a white overseer. To the left of the room are two trays of processed sugar while to the rear in a…

Windmill on a Jamaican sugar estate 1763
An artist's impression of a windmill on a Jamaican sugar estate in 1763.

La Figure des Moulins
An artist's impression of the activities involved in the manual production of sugar using an outdoor mill operated by oxen. The slaves are putting the sugarcane into the mill, the juice then goes into the cauldrons at the side to be boiled. Men can…

Alice in Wonderland - LTM 1950-51
A scene from the LTM Pantomime 1950 - 51, Alice in Wonderland.

Scene from Moonshine Anancy
Members of cast of the LTM Pantomime 'Moonshine Anancy' performing a scene. Ranny Williams is at the forefront and Louise Bennett is dressed like a police. Stage props are on the stage.