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The punishment by the 'whip' meted out to the slaves
An artist's impression of white men using whips to torture enslaved Africans.

At Half Way Tree, Kingston, Jamaica
Women carrying loaded baskets on their heads (one leading a donkey) walk pass buildings in Half Way Tree. In the background a group of persons are having a discussion while standing under a huge tree.

Home of the Governor General, Kingston, Jamaica 1900
The official residence of the Governor General in Kingston, Jamaica.

Jasper Hall
The interior of Jasper Hall showing a huge entrance doorway, chairs, bookcase of books and a portrait of the madonna on the wall.

His Excellency signs the Visitors' Book

His Excellency Sir Clifford Campbell, Governor General, signs the Visitors' Book at the Red Stripe Brewery at the end of his tour of the plant.

In the Hospitality Room at the end of the tour. At left is Mr. Peter Desnoes, Co-Managing Director

His Excellency the Governor General, Sir Clifford Campbell (with back to camera) shares a drink with executives of the Red Stripe Brewery in the Hospitality Room at the end of his tour of the plant.

Queen Victoria Jubilee Celebrations, Sav-la-Mar
A large crowd attired in formal wear turns out to celebrate Queen Victoria's Jubilee in Sav-la-Mar, Westmoreland. Marchers carry banners and onlookers, stand at the side. Sign advertising, commercial lodging is seen in the background; buildings line…

Bathing at Hotel Titchfield bathhouses
Persons swimming in the sea close to the Titchfield bathhouses while others on the jetty and on the veranda look on.

Rio Grande Valley, Portland

A man stands on a hillside looking down at the Rio Grande River as it meanders through the Rio Grande Valley in Portland. The Blue Mountains are on the horizon.

Members of the government with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, 1966
Members of the Jamaican government pose for a group photograph with Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. A chandelier is hanging overhead and portraits of Sir Alexander Bustamante and Lady Bustamante are hanging on the wall