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Coke's ministers house, Kingston
The official residence for the minister of Coke Methodist Church Kingston, Jamaica.

Henry Sylvester Williams
Photograph of Henry Sylvester Williams, Trinidadian lawyer, councillor, writer and noted Pan-Africanist.

Bed-stock for intoxication
Enslaved Africans with their feet clamped between a bed-stock as punishment for being intoxicated.

Abolition of slavery in Jamaica
Procession of the Baptist Church congregation in Spanish Town Square on August 1, 1838 as they turned up at Government House to hear the Proclamation of Freedom read by the Governor His Excellency Sir Lionel Smith.

Christopher Columbus
A front view portrait of Christopher Columbus, Italian explorer.

Christopher Columbus
A portrait of Christopher Columbus, Italian explorer.

An Indian cacique of the island of Cuba addressing Columbus concerning a future state
An Indian cacique (Chief) in Cuba gestures in the air as he addresses Christopher Columbus (in hat and cape), while other villagers listen.

Destruction of Roehampton Estate
The Roehampton Estate in St. James, Jamaica is being destroyed by fire during the 1832 Slave Revolt. Enslaved Africans can be seen on the Estate.

The palisadoes to be: picture of scale model of new terminal buildings an ancillary installment for modern international airport

A scale model of the Palisadoes Airport showing terminal buildings, airplanes on the runway and ancillary installments for a modern international airport.

An African's head with mouth-piece and necklace
Front and profile views of an African's head in a punishment device which was used to prevent enslaved persons from escaping or resting by laying down.