Browse Items (2 total) Tags: Williams, Randolph "Ranny", - 1912-1980 Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse References Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added Ms Lou and friends on balcony Louise Bennett and Ranny Williams (right) having drinks with two other men. Tags: Actors; Actresses; Authors, Jamaican; Bennett-Coverley, Louise, - 1919-2006; Folklorists; Poets - Jamaica; Williams, Randolph "Ranny", - 1912-1980 Scene from LTM Pantomime, Music Boy Cast of the 1971/72 Little Theatre Movement Pantomime, Music Boy, including main characters, "Miss Mamma" played by Louise Bennett (left) and "P.C. Stripeless" played by Ranny Williams. Tags: Actors and actresses; Bennett-Coverley, Louise, - 1919-2006; Pantomime; Pantomimes; Williams, Randolph "Ranny", - 1912-1980 Featured Item Ruins of the Stokes Hall Great House Remains of the Stokes Hall Great House, built by Luke Stokes and destroyed by earthquake in 1907.