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Port Antonio Clock-Tower
Image of the clock-tower in the main square of Port Antonio at the junction of West, Harbour and Fort George Streets.
Port Maria Clock-tower
The Port Maria clock-tower located in the centre of the town.
Clock Tower in Half Way Tree
Political flyers plastered on the Half Way Tree clock tower.
Westmoreland courthouse, 'Sav-la-mar'
The Savanna-la-mar Courthouse, located on Great George Street in the Norman Square.
WWII commemorative plaque on the Cross Roads clocktower
The newly renovated Cross Roads clock tower and war memorial, built to honour men from Kingston and St. Andrew who fought and died in World War II.
Cross Roads with view of clocktower
A scene at Cross Roads with motorists and pedestrians passing near the clock tower.
Tower at Fair Prospect in Portland
"This is a tower at Fair Prospect in Portland built by slaves during the days when our colonial masters kept them to work on plantations in all parts of the island. Reputed to be over 300 years old, this one was used by the slave master to check on…
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Louise Bennett

Miss Lou wearing an 18th century style dress and feathered hat. She is holding a parasol.