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- Tags: Radio broadcasters - Jamaica
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Orville Taylor
Youthful photo of Dr. Orville Taylor renowned columnist, author and radio talk show host.
RJR's Don Topping interviews shoppers at Tropical Plaza
"RJR's Don Topping interviews a tiny tot and her mother during one of the Station's special Christmas live broadcasts from shopping plazas. The photographer caught this happy scene in Little Lee's at Tropical Plaza."
Neville Willoughby interviews Steven 'Cat' Coore of Third World in 1979
"Top cat: RJR's Programme Disco Top '79 on New Year's Eve featured an interview by Neville Willoughby with Steven "Cat" Core and Willie Stewart of Third World Band. Third World was voted top band for 1979 by the station's listeners. Photo shows…
Vere Johns
Portrait of acclaimed Jamaican journalist, radio broadcaster and actor Vere Johns.
Comedian Charles Hyatt & G.G. Florizel Glasspole
"First citizen Governor-Gerneal Florizel Glasspole [centre] rapping with comedian Charles Hyatt at King's House on Thursday evening. Looking on is Daily News reporter, Barbara Nelson. Occasion was a Press party hosted by Mr. Glasspole."
Charles Hyatt in studio
Charles Hyatt in studio during radio broadcast of his radio broadcast - "Here Comes Charley".
Charles Hyatt, Senior Producer/Presenter
"Charles Hyatt (Senior Producer/Presenter) in the Radio Production Department, J.B.C.)."
Dwight Whylie speaking
"JBC General Manager Dwight Whylie speaking on volunteering at the first Advice Centre briefing session at the USIS office yesterday morning. The sessions are to brief recruits who plan to work in the Advice Centre."