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- Tags: Prime ministers - Jamaica
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Bob Marley and Michael Manley
Michael Manley and Bob Marley in conversation.
Busta and the Beauties
"Busta and the beauties: Fourteen of the finalists in the Miss Jamaica Contest who visited the Rt. Excellent Sir Alexander Bustamante at his Irish Town residence Thursday are seen here with the National Hero and Lady Bustamante. It was one of the…
Tags: Beauty contestants; Beauty contestants - Jamaica; Beauty contests; Beauty contests - Jamaica; Bustamante, Alexander, - 1884-1977; Bustamante, Gladys Maud, 1912-2009; Labour leaders - Jamaica; Politicians - Jamaica; Prime ministers; Prime ministers - Jamaica; Prime ministers' spouses; Prime ministers' spouses - Jamaica
Carlos Andres Perez
Venezuelan President, Carlos Andres Perez, Michael Manley, P.J. Patterson and other dignitaries having a working lunch.
Carlos Andres Perez
Venezuelan President, Carlos Andres Perez, walking with Governor General Sir Florizel Glasspole and Prime Minister Michael Manley.
Carlos Andres Perez
Former Prime Minister, Michael Manley, embracing former Venezuelan politician and President, Carlos Andrez Perez.
Clifford Campbell
Clifford Campbell (2nd left, front), Hugh Lawson Shearer (right) and other government officials pose for a group photograph on the steps of Kings House.
Commonwealth Heads of Government Summit - Pegasus Hotel
"Jamaica's Prime Minister Michael Manley giving the keynote address to open the Commonwealth Heads of Government Summit yesterday at the Pegasus Hotel."
Cuban Ambassador Ramon Pez-Ferro
"Clinching the deal: Prime Minister Michael Manley closing arrangements for 120,000 cases of 'La Crema' milk with Cuban Ambassador Ramon Pez Ferro yesterday. At left is Cuban Trade Commissioner Abdo Sotto."